In my opinion… America has more of a followership problems that could improve. Both categories feed off each other. Everyone can not be a leader. Some Americans lack communication skills and ways to get their ideas across to others. A leader must have confidence not only in their self, but in America and the people they want to follow and abide by them.
Followership roles are sometimes difficult because they as the people have a hard time following the rules the leaders put into place. You have to be willing to listen and open to new ideas and communicating to improve the things and events going on around you. Sometimes followership is tough because Americans is also afraid of failure or what others might think of them.
Americans are still very cynical in today's world as they were back in later times. With today's current protest, and presidential debates going on a lot of Americans are judgmental and cynical about what they believe in or what they stand for. They sometimes listen to others and their opinions and sometimes it's hard to sway others minds, where other Americans are easier and feed off each others input.
In the last paragraph, Eisenhower says "always try to associate yourself with the learn as much are you can from those who know more than you do, who do better than you, who see more clearly than you." This means don't limit yourself and have a close mind. You can learn from each others ideas or mistakes. Someone will always know more than you do and you can benefit from this, instead of criticize or poorly communicate, take it to the heart, and benefit from the knowledge they might be able to offer you.